Sunday, November 11, 2012

Famine begins

Beth enjoys "Fluffy", her aide Tammy's dog

I've been working on a costume for Elsa's birthday

Beth found some ladies gloves in our dress-ups and loves wearing them.

The youth gathered Saturday afternoon to begin their time together for the 30 hour famine, to raise money for World Vision.

This is our 31st year doing "the famine"!


Emily D said...

Elsa's costume looks great!

Hannah said...

So much in this post..
1. Glad I am finally seeing the picture of Beth and fluffy!
2. I love Elsa's (aka Glenda's) dress - nice work!
3. Also love the picture of Beth with the gloves, it made me smile..
4. Nice work faminers - there's a lot of them this year!

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