Thursday, November 29, 2012

At Bonners

Things were rough for Emily when I arrived.

Oh, and did I mention WILD?

I made Ilo a bow and arrow that worked for a while.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'm back!

Well I've been gone for a while!  Our daughter Emily hurt her knee and couldn't walk, and I was able to go help out, thanks to some of you who helped US out!  
Here's some photos from before I left.
George taking down the Veterans' Day flags.

Beth having a piano lesson with Carol

Looking up towards Lucy's place

the trailer has been added to the foundation described earlier

preparing for the spaghetti fund raiser for the Haiti trip

Rick often comes by to fix something or other

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More from Sunday

Fake food for the hunger skits on Planned Famine weekend.

Emma erasing

Juice break for the fasters after Sunday School

delivering fruit baskets to shut-ins

getting directions for delivering baskets

at the spaghetti dinner fund-raiser for Addalynne

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Visiting a nephew

We managed to fit in a visit after the wedding to my sister's son and family who recently moved to Portland.

That's Leo on the table

John's playing with Hektor

We had a good time visiting this dear family.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Notice the shoeboxes filled for Samaritan's Purse ministry, and the fruit for our Harvest Altar to be delivered to folks after church.

Wade Winalot and the contestants on Hunger Jeopardy

Rev. Bob baptizes his granddaughter, with the dad helping

Sara gets baptized

her fiance helped

some of Sara's support team

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Famine begins

Beth enjoys "Fluffy", her aide Tammy's dog

I've been working on a costume for Elsa's birthday

Beth found some ladies gloves in our dress-ups and loves wearing them.

The youth gathered Saturday afternoon to begin their time together for the 30 hour famine, to raise money for World Vision.

This is our 31st year doing "the famine"!