Thursday, May 31, 2012

Song for Dad by the Dorean girls

Sung to the tune of "Must Be Santa"

Who’s been a pastor for thirty years? (John’s been a pastor for thirty years)
Whose 60th birthday is drawing near? (John’s 60th  birthday is drawing near)
Who’s got 4 daughters and a lovely wife?  (John’s got 4 daughters and a lovely wife)
Whose 7 grandkids bless his life?   (John’s 7 grandkids bless his life)
Bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.
Whose sons-in-law are Ryan, Craig and Matt? (John’s sons-in-law are Ryan, Craig and Matt)
Who helped found Greene County Habitat? (John helped found Greene County Habitat) 
Who tells the view from The Other Side? (John tells the view from The Other Side)
Who loves to take a kayak ride? (John loves to take a kayak ride)
kayak ride, The Other Side, Habitat, Craig, Ryan and Matt, bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.
Who leads trips to foreign places? (John leads trips to foreign places)
Who organizes tournaments and races? (John organizes tournaments and races)
Who works hard to build rubble houses? (John works hard to build rubble houses)
Who on water day always douses? (John on water day always douses)
always douses, rubble houses, tournaments and races, foreign places, kayak ride, The Other Side, Habitat,  Ryan, Craig, Matt, Bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.
Who once had to kiss a pig? (John once had to kiss a pig)
Who for VBS has worn a dress and wig? (John for VBS has worn a dress and wig)
Who loves cashews and German Chocolate cake? (John loves cashews and German Chocolate cake)
Who lives his life for the Kingdom’s sake?(John lives his life for the Kingdom’s sake)
Kingdom’s sake, German chocolate cake, dress and wig, kissed a pig, always douses, rubble houses, tournaments and races, foreign places, kayak ride, The Other Side, Habitat, Craig, Ryan and Matt, Bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.
Who’s Ask the Pastor is quite informing? (John’s Ask the Pastor is quite informing)
Who’s in the world but not conforming? (John’s in the world but not conforming)
Who wrote the book Murder in Greene?  (John wrote the book Murder in Greene)
Who at 60 is so athletic and lean? (John at 60 is athletic and lean)
athletic and lean, Murder in Greene, not conforming, quite informing, Kingdom’s sake, German chocolate cake, dress and wig, kissed a pig, always douses, rubble houses, tournaments and races, foreign places, kayak ride, The Other Side, Habitat, Craig, Ryan and Matt, Bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.
Whose wife supports him from day to day? (John’s wife supports him from day to day)
Whose wife blogs and writes Christmas plays? (John’s wife blogs and writes Christmas plays)
Who side by side have done their parts? (John and Merry side by side have done their parts)
Who do we love with all our hearts? (We love John and Merry  with all our hearts)
All our hearts, done their parts, blogs and Christmas plays, supports from day to day,  athletic and lean, Murder in Greene, not conforming, quite informing, Kingdom’s sake, German chocolate cake, dress and wig, kissed a pig, always douses, rubble houses, tournaments and races, foreign places, kayak ride, The Other Side, Habitat, Craig, Ryan and Matt, Bless his life, lovely wife, 60th near, thirty years – must be John, must be John, must be John Rich Dorean.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Donut Sunday

Memorial Day Sunday

George and Peggy put out flags for Memorial Day

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bible Garden work

Charlie came to dig out some bushes and trees for us. 

The quince bushes drop large hard fruit that makes mowing difficult, so they had to come out.

Thank you Charlie!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fair weather

VBS sign put in place by Chad - that'll teach him to wander by!

VBS is only a little more than 2 weeks away!!

Setting up for the funeral dinner

Sharing family photos

Matt 16:2  
He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red....’

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Our strawberries are producing!

Joey bringing something for the funeral dinner today.

Connie washing the floor

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


more work on the VBS sign

after Bible Study

the Pied Piper?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Sable is working with Beth a couple times this week

two taking notes at Ladies' Circle

love the wisteria

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Cheri and Merlene getting the verses straight for the praise songs

Leslie is offering a beginning sketching class - call her to sign up 724-627-8044.  This will be fun!

Lance is doing OK after knee surgery.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Yard saling...

8 of the church ladies went to a big neighborhood yard sale today - fun to be together!

Thursday, May 17, 2012