I know I speak for the whole church and community in extending our love and support and most of all prayers to the families and friends of Kevin and Tammy Teagarden as they try to find the strength and courage to move on from the incredible tragedy of Sunday night. As a church community that works hard to be there for each other and that has consistently reached out to neighbors and those in need, it is overwhelming that such deep-seated need just a mile from our doors went so completely undetected. Surely we must use this devastation as a further catalyst to encourage us to be the church, to be Christ to everyone with whom we share our
days in this life.
I can’t pretend to understand the desperation that leads to such a grisly act as the murder of little children. My life has been exceedingly blessed by the goodness of loving parents and spouse and children and church family - and a relationship with a God whose love I have never deserved. I am today made aware - again - of the fact that all of that love has not been offered to me so that I can sit around and feel good about myself - but so that I might seek to bless others with some measure of the love with which I have been blessed. If that is true for you as well, may we resolve in this present darkness to be a light of love amidst the confusion and despair.
Once again the first responders of our community have born a heavy burden in dealing with the horrific violence of this tragedy. Please pray for them as they continue to give themselves to caring for all of us. The kids who have lost a classmate, the families who have lost precious children and grandchildren, aunts and uncles and cousins, are hurting beyond words. This is a time for all of us to reach out, to listen, to cry with, to pray with any and all of them.
May the peace of Christ which does indeed surpass all understanding keep our hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. john